Monitor Bandwidth Usage Per Computer

BrowseReporter is a valuable bandwidth monitoring tool for Windows endpoints.

Bandwidth usage data is presented in intuitive real-time reports and dashboards, allowing admins to detect bandwidth hogs and optimize network performance with ease—even on Terminal Server and Remote Desktop Services!

    Trusted by

    Cushing Terrell Logo
    HBCS Revenue Cycle Logo
    HBCS Revenue Cycle Logo
    Morris, Manning, and Martin LLP Logo
    Viking Yachts Logo

    & many more

    Trusted by

    HBCS Revenue Cycle Logo
    VES Veteran Evaluation Services Logo
    Viking Yachts Logo

    & many more

    BrowseReporter’s PC Bandwidth Usage Reports & Dashboards

    BrowseReporter bandwidth tracking dashboard

    Bandwidth Usage Summaries

    • Review data sent and received each day for groups & individuals
    • Identify abnormal spikes or dips in expected bandwidth usage
    • Discover who is responsible for the greatest bandwidth usage
    BrowseReporter Bandwidth Usage by Sites report with 13 different URLs listed.

    Monitor Bandwidth Usage by Website

    • Track websites that may need to be blocked to reduce latency
    • Identify the websites that demand the most bandwidth
    • Track websites that may need to be blocked to reduce latency
    Bandwidth usage graph: Top 5 groups by download and upload bandwidth usage

    Top Users & Groups by Bandwidth Usage

    • Discover which users and departments require the most bandwidth
    • Get early warning signs of anomalous bandwidth usage
    • Easily discover who is responsible for bandwidth abuse in your network


    Browse Reporter

    Try BrowseReporter for Free

    Fully functional. Easy to use. Install in minutes.

    Why Use Bandwidth Monitoring Software?

    Bandwidth monitoring tools are critical for diagnosing network latency, identifying employees that are hogging bandwidth, and determining whether or not costly network upgrades are necessary.

    Problems Caused by Bandwidth Abuse:

    • Lost VoIP/video conferencing connections.
    • Lost productivity from high network latency.
    • Limitations to business processes due to reduced reliability of internet connectivity.
    • Network crashes from excessive overloading.


    BrowseReporter top 5 bandwidth hogging users
    BrowseReporter bandwidth usage per computer report

    How To Check Bandwidth Usage Per Computer

    With BrowseReporter’s client installed on each endpoint, network administrators can easily check bandwidth usage for each user, device, and workgroup in the organization.

    • By User: Track the amount of bandwidth sent and received by each user to discover who is using the most bandwidth.
    • By Computer: BrowseReporter allows you to check bandwidth usage per computer, allowing you to identify computers that may be infected with viruses.
    • By Group: Users can be sorted into groups such as departments, workgroups, and other organizational units. CurrentWare supports Active Directory for easy group management.


    Browse Reporter

    Try BrowseReporter for Free

    Fully functional. Easy to use. Install in minutes.

    Real-Time Employee and Computer Monitoring Features


    Monitor Computer Activity

    Get real-time insights into your users' technology use

    Remote Screen Capture

    Screenshot Monitoring

    Take automatic screenshots or remotely view desktops

    Application Blocker

    Track App Use

    Get insights into software usage trends in your organization

    Internet Off

    Idle Time Tracking

    Track mouse and keyboard movement to monitor inactivity

    Email Report

    Email Reports & Alerts

    Automatically send reports to designated inboxes based on events or schedules

    Tracking Schedule

    Tracking Scheduler

    Limit activity tracking to specific days and schedules such as employee work hours

    Internet Off

    Employee Privacy

    Optional privacy-enhancing features improve transparency and minimize data collection


    Stealth Mode Option

    The software can run silently in the background or be configured to alert users

    Internet Off

    Central Web Console

    Manage from the convenience of a web browser with optional Active Directory integration

    Internet Off

    Platform Security

    Protect your CurrentWare console
    with 2FA, passwords, privilege
    management, and more

    Internet Off

    Offsite Management

    Monitor remote employees and students no matter what network they connect to

    Internet Off

    SQL Server Supported

    Use the included Microsoft SQL Express database or connect your own SQL server

    Logo for BrowseReporter, CurrentWare's employee computer monitoring software

    Try BrowseReporter for Free

    Fully functional. Easy to use. Install in minutes.