How CurrentWare Helps Legal Services Companies Manage Insider Threats & Staff Productivity

Lawyer pointing to legal documents

The Risks, Challenges & Needs of Legal Services Companies

Legal services companies are tasked with ensuring that client data is safe against theft and misuse. This responsibility combined with their need to ensure their billable hours are used appropriately puts them at a unique disadvantage when it comes to working remotely.

Meeting Data Security Compliance Requirements

Managing Cyber Risk to Reduce Insurance Costs

Protecting Sensitive Client Data From Theft & Misuse

Controlling Expenses to Optimize Profitability

Ensuring Employees Spend Billable Hours Productively

Keeping Remote Employees Productive & Secure

CurrentWare Customer Sessions & Kimball LLP

CurrentWare’s Employee Productivity Solutions Make Remote Work Possible for Sessions & Kimball LLP

“Since we’ve let employees work from home we’ve had to have them connect remotely to the office. Thanks to BrowseReporter we know exactly what they’re doing during work hours.

A judge's gavel and books

CurrentWare’s Solutions for
Legal Services Companies

With the CurrentWare Suite legal services companies ensure their employees remain productive and secure, no matter where they work. Critical data security and productivity risks can be mitigated with advanced awareness and control of employee computer activity.


25% of Attorneys and Law Firms Have Experienced a Data Breach ¹


58% of Firms With 100+ Employees Aren't Certain if They've Been Breached ²


86% of Lawyers Want to Work Remotely at Least One Day a Week ³

Maintain Visibility—No Matter Where Staff Work

  • Compare productivity trends between time spent working remotely vs in-office
  • Prevent burnout with insights into which employees are overworking & not taking breaks
  • Find out if poor performance is caused by excessive time wasting or other factors
Employee productivity dashboard with productive vs unproductive time charts and data

Protect Sensitive Data Against Insider Threats

  • Alert IT security staff to high-risk computer activity that could put sensitive data at risk
  • Control removable media, web browsing, and software use to limit data security risks
  • Detect shadow IT that can pose threats to sensitive data and licensing compliance

Identify & Address Performance Issues

  • Determine where additional capacity is needed to support the efficiency of the firm
  • Ensure that company policies are followed to maintain professional standards
  • Review employee productivity and idle time for evidence of time wasting
Screenshot of BrowseReporter's employee idle time tracking dashboard

Enforcing Policies Has Never Been Easier

  • Get evidence of employees that are visiting inappropriate websites during work time
  • Improve security with triggered alerts when users visit high-risk websites
  • Detect and block websites and apps that go against company standards
CurrentWare Suite

Get all 4 modules for the best value or choose the exact solutions you need

Get Advanced Activity Insights

BrowseReporter is a versatile employee monitoring software to track productivity and efficiency.

  • Make informed decisions
  • Enforce company policies
  • Improve productivity
today's insights user score cards

Block Harmful Websites

BrowseControl is an easy-to-use website blocking software for restricting internet access.

  • Block URLs & categories
  • Block unwanted apps
  • Website allow & block lists
Screenshot of category filtering window from BrowseControl web filter. Porn and social media categories blocked.

Stop Data Theft to USB Devices

AccessPatrol is USB control software to protect sensitive data against theft to portable storage devices.

  • Block USB devices
  • USB file activity alerts
  • Block file transfers
AccessPatrol peripheral device permissions mockup block usb

Control PC Power States

enPowerManager is a remote PC power manager for centrally managing power settings across all endpoints.

  • Track logon and logoff times
  • Log PC power event history
  • Remotely shutdown PCs
Screenshot of enPowerManager's PC power schedule with weekly boot, restart, and shutdown events scheduled

Ready to Get Started?

The CurrentWare Suite provides legal services companies with advanced awareness and control of employee computer activity.

Reach out to our team today to learn how you can ensure your employees remain productive and secure, no matter where they work.

Trusted By

CurrentWare Customer Sessions & Kimball LLP
CurrentWare Customer Boston Centerless
mitsubishi electric

& many more

Trusted by

CurrentWare Customer Sessions & Kimball LLP
mitsubishi electric

and more

The reporting feature offers accurate insights on internet activities in order to ensure compliance & organization policies are met. The offsite management feature makes it easy to monitor those working from home.

Carroline Achieng O., Sales Consultant
Absa Life Assurance, 10,001+ Employees

We have experienced data leaks by dishonest employees in the past and AccessPatrol has helped us avoid them and work with greater security and peace of mind for us and our customers.

Julio V., Head of Information Technology
Financial Services Industry, 10,001+ Employees

In my nearly 40 years in the IT business I’ve worked with a lot of support teams.

I really appreciate CurrentWare going the extra mile to help me get the most out of the product.

They’ve definitely outweighed any of the other competitors that I’ve looked at.

Jerry Slocum, Managed Services Provider
Haggerty Auto Group, 150-200 Employees

The software actually does what was advertised and the support is great! We were able to have the software up and running on the same day with no issues or even a call/email to their support.

Ken W, IT Manager
Recreational Facilities, 201-500 Employees

1 American Bar Association’s 2021 Legal Technology Survey Report –
2 American Bar Association’s 2021 Legal Technology Survey Report –
3 Thomson Reuters 2022 Report on the State of the Legal Market –

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