Our support team is requesting log files from you

Server Logs

Zip up all the log files from the CurrentWare Server log directory & upload them to us.

  •  C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare\logs\


1. On your CurrentWare Web Console go to Tools > Database Backup Scheduler and click “Run Backup Now“

2. After the database backup is completed, browse to your SQL database backup directory. Usually it’s stored under:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup\

Take the most recent .bak extension file, zip it up (to reduce the file size) and upload it to us.

Client Logs & DATABASEs

Zip up the following log files & databases from one of your affected client computers & upload them to us.

  • All the log files from (10+ files):
  • 2 database files from: