Web Console Shows HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error

Web Console Shows HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error

CurrentWare runs using Microsoft IIS(Internet Information Services) and this problem usually occurs when WSUS/Exchange (or web page with similar behavior) is hosted on the IIS.

DynamicCompressionModule and StaticCompressionModule are installed by WSUS/Exchange globally across IIS. They force every Application Pool to use their settings, regardless if it is 64-bit or 32-bit. This can cause the HTTP Error 500.19 – Error Code 0x800700c1.


Check in the “C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config” for the following entries within the <modules> section :

<add name="DynamicCompressionModule" lockItem= "true"/>  <add name="StaticCompressionModule"lockItem="true" />
Important note: these entries can also be found in <globalmodules> sections, but the changes are required in the <modules> section.

1. Add a precondition attribute (preCondition=”bitness64″) for these module entries so that they load only in 64bit application pools, i.e.:

<add name="DynamicCompressionModule" lockItem="true" preCondition="bitness64" /> 
<add name="StaticCompressionModule" lockItem="true" preCondition="bitness64" />

NOTE: Please manually type the additional change, as copy and pasting may cause formatting issues and not apply correctly.

2. Save the changes made in the applicationHost.config file.

3. Open a command prompt running as administrator.

4. Type IISreset and press Enter.

You should now be able to open the Web Console and log in.

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