Locally reclassify website categories

Locally reclassify website categories

You can easily locally reclassify website domains If you want to have it set as a different classification for your local BrowseControl – Category Filtering and your BrowseReporter reports.

Found a domain that’s incorrectly classified? Submit a report here so we can fix it!

To change the classification of a domain for your BrowseControl – Category Filtering:

As of v9.0.1, you have the ability to reclassify a bulk amount of domains to a new category.

  1. Open the CurrentWare web console
  2. Go to Tools from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the Reclassification option
  4. Enter the website(s) in the domain field. Example – youtube.com
  5. Choose from the dropdown of categories to reclassify the domain(s)
  6. Click Add to add it to the list of reclassified domains

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