Set different device restrictions for different users

Set different device restrictions for different users

AccessPatrol allows you to set different device policies to different groups of computers or users.

The management console allows you to create group folders to set separate policies amongst different computers or users.

Creating new folders to place policies

  1. Open AccessPatrol from the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on the folder from the Groups list that you would like to add a new folder under. The default group would be PC or Users.
  3. Click theoption beside the folder and then choose Add New Group.
  4. Provide the group name such as Block Access, Managers, Default, etc. Whatever fits your need.
  5. Click on the folder you wish to edit and select Device Permissions Button.
  6. Choose the device permissions you want to change from the dropdown list of options. You can choose individually from the 5 categories: Storage Devices, Wireless Devices, Ports, Imagining Devices and Other Devices.
    Note: The Permissions must be set for each individual group. You can see how to copy your settings across groups below.

Select Add New Group from the dropdown menu.

How to copy settings across different group folders

  1. Open AccessPatrol from the left-hand menu.
  2. Choose the group that you would like to copy your settings from.
  3. Click theoption beside the folder and then choose Copy Group Settings.

Select Copy Group Settings from the dropdown menu.

  1. From the Copy Group Settings options; Confirm your Source Group for the settings
  2. Choose which AccessPatrol Settings you want to copy or select all
  3. Choose the Destination Group. Note: All existing settings will be overwritten on the Destination Groups with the Source Group policies.
  4. Press the Copy button

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