Website Restrictions on Google Chrome due to QUIC

Website Restrictions on Google Chrome due to QUIC

Google Chrome uses a special protocol to load webpages, especially Google websites. In theory, Google Chrome does this to improve website loading time. It alternates traffic between TCP and UDP ports. It is a technique specific to Chrome and not any other browsers. At the moment, BrowseControl can’t control Internet from the UDP port.

There are 3 ways to resolve this issue.

1) Block QUIC by blocking UDP traffic

To fix this issue, our developers added an option to disable QUIC. This will block Internet traffic via UDP. This option is enabled by default under:

  1. From the left-hand menu go to Settings
  2. From the Client Settings option choose the Internet Connection
  3. The option to Disable QUIC is located here.

2) Windows Firewall must be ON

If your Windows Firewall is turned off, BrowseControl’s disable QUIC option cannot be integrated into the Firewall Settings. An inbound and outbound rule will be created on your client computer called “CW_QUIC”.

Make sure your Windows Firewall is turned ON and not disabled.

3) Configure your 3rd Party Firewall to block UDP (80 and 443)

The “Disable QUIC” option on the CurrentWare Console only updates the Windows Firewall settings. It cannot control any 3rd party firewall settings.

If you manually installed any antivirus or a Firewall on your client computer, you will have to manually block UDP traffic to fix this issue.

Go to your Firewall settings and block UDP protocol on port 80 and 443.

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